NHSX reveals 4 Accelerator SMEs as winners of Digital Health Partnerships awards

Last week, 4 DigitalHealth.London Accelerator SMEs were announced as winners of the NHSX Digital Health Partnership Awards. The awards were created to help NHS organisations in England to accelerate the adoption of digital health technologies and support patients with long term conditions, specifically focusing on supporting people at home.

Phase one of the awards was launched in July 2021 and 14 projects were awarded funding – four of which are current or alumni companies of the DigitalHealth.London Accelerator programme:

Respiratory remote monitoring programme – patientMpower

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) and Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Trust (RDE), in partnership with patientMpower will deliver a project to improve access to specialist respiratory services, whilst also supporting patients to better manage their health from home. The respiratory teams at GSTT and RDE will work together to utilise existing virtual consultation technology in conjunction with a new asynchronous remote patient monitoring platform. This will allow a transition of more face-to-face outpatient appointments to virtual appointments, improvements in monitoring of disease, treatment response and improved self-management.

We are delighted that patientMpower’s collaboration has been selected by NHSX, which will enable more outpatient appointments to be conducted virtually, improving self-management with patient initiated followup (PIFU), helping respiratory services restore elective care services.The DigitalHealth.London Accelerator has provided us with continued support and guidance in a number of areas including NHS funding and commissioning and priorities in digital transformation.

Eamonn Costello, CEO, patientMpower

MSK care pathway – GetUBetter

GSTT in partnership with GetUBetter, will be providing individuals with an end-to-end ‘digital first’ MSK pathway that will be available either through prescription or self-referral. The platform will personalise content, thus enabling patients the ability to self-manage their care.

getUBetter delivers personalised recovery and prevention self-management for all common MSK conditions and injuries including back, back and leg, knee, neck, and shoulder pain. We are helping people to trust their recovery, effectively self-manage and utilise less healthcare resource – transforming the way clinicians and health systems deliver musculoskeletal self-management. Right now, there has never been a more important time to provide effective and proven MSK self-management support to patients – and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to provide more patients the ability to self-manage their own care whilst supporting the Integrated Care System to provide digitally enabled musculoskeletal pathways to their population. The DigitalHealth.London Accelerator has introduced us to a number of different NHS leads and supported us in the refining and testing of our value proposition to fit NHS needs.

Carey McClellan, CEO and Clinical Director, GetUBetter

Hypertension remote monitoring services – Inhealthcare

Surrey Heartlands will be partnering with Inhealthcare to extend their hypertension remote monitoring service to all poorly controlled patients. They also will be developing digital pathways for patients with cardiovascular disease and other long-term conditions, meaning that patients will be able to manage multiple long-term conditions with the same technology.

We are delighted to be partnering with Surrey Heartlands to help deliver cutting-edge services to improve the health and well-being of patients. We believe that this is an exciting opportunity for us to continue transforming healthcare and help reduce pressure on outpatient clinics and GPs. Our time on the DigitalHealth.London Accelerator programme was invaluable – the team provided us with multiple partnership opportunities and introduced us to key stakeholders, both of which have helped spread the adoption of Inhealthcare across multiple trusts.

Bryn Sage, CEO, Inhealthcare

Collaborative virtual monitoring – Patients Know Best

North West London (NWL) Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in collaboration with Patients Know Best (PKB) will bring together three acute trusts to establish remote monitoring across all conditions, with the aim to share learnings and accelerate pathway transformation. Benefits include improved patient experience and long term management of patients, better and coordinated multidisciplinary team support during acute phases of illness and reduced length of stay in hospitals.

Inhealthcare, patientMpower, GetUBetter and Patients Know Best are alumni of the DigitalHealth.London Accelerator programme and Inhealthcare is an alumnus company of the Accelerator programme.

The DigitalHealth.London Accelerator is a collaborative programme funded by London’s three Academic Health Science Networks – UCL Partners, Imperial College Health Partners, and the Health Innovation Network, MedCity, CW+ and receives match funding from the European Regional Development Fund.