Patients Know Best

NHS problem

Across the NHS, there are many healthcare organisations that treat and support patients with their health and wellbeing across primary care, secondary care, tertiary care, community services, charities and voluntary sector organisations.

These complex structures make it increasingly difficult for information to be easily exchanged with patients, and with health and care professionals across these different organisations. The result is that professionals do not have access to the correct information when needed to make important and timely clinical decisions, and patients do not have access to accurate information to enable self-management.

The solution

Patients Know Best (PKB) is the only personal held record that allows patients and professionals to access healthcare records – anytime, anywhere. With real-time patient generated and provider data, PKB has evidenced improvements in clinical care with workflows for remote management and monitoring. This has proved to increase patient-activation and create NHS capacity.


  • PKB has worked extensively with NHS Digital to deliver a regional Person Held Record (PHR) that is also accessible directly from within the NHS App.
  • Within the Swansea Bay University Health Board’s Dermatology team, 75% of face-to-face appointments have been converted to digital interactions. Urology patients now receive they blood test results automatically within 7 days as opposed to waiting 4-6 weeks.
  •  Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust recently deployed PKB within their Immunotherapy Toxicology team service. This enabled the establishment of a new service/ setup to monitor patients post-treatment who would have otherwise not been monitored.
  • Within the Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) team, patients are being equipped with PKB to track their symptoms remotely, and monitor their condition against a pre-emptive care plan. The service is successfully removing 1,100 outpatient appointments per year  an this deployment has resulted in the avoidance of 240 surgical cases per annum, as well as the avoidance of any emergency department admissions year on year within this cohort.