Jessica Simpson
As a Senior Programme Manager, Jessica leads the on-going service development of Good Thinking; London’s Digital Mental Wellbeing service.
As a Senior Programme Manager, Jessica leads the on-going service development of Good Thinking; London’s Digital Mental Wellbeing service.
Dr Jai Shree Adhyaru is a Chartered Counselling Psychologist with around 20 years of experience in working with children, teenagers and families in a variety of settings.
Felix has more than six years of IT project management experience within the NHS between Chelsea and Westminster Foundation Trust and Imperial Collage Healthcare Trust.
Chris works across several innovative projects all designed to move diabetes care forward. He has worked within the diabetes sector for nine years, and has delivered diabetes self-management training across South West London (SWL).
Byron currently advises on digital transformation, and manages relationships for the Healthy London Partnership’s Social Investment Fund.
Ben is clinical lead for a large out-patient physiotherapy service that uses a several digital solutions to deliver care.
Annie is a GP at Wide Way Medical Centre, part of the East Merton Primary Care Network (PCN) for which she is the Digital Lead.
Angela is the South East London Digital Programme lead for national Local Care and Health Record Exemplar (LCHRE) programme and regional One London programme.
Tal Mahmud is using Patient Activation Measure Scores (PAM) to drive behaviour change for patients with Long Term Conditions (LTCs) .
Shaun Crowe, Head of Clinical Network Development at NHS England & Improvement (London), is improving clinician, patient and analyst access to integrated data-sets for Diabetes.
Shahid Gani, one of two lead pharmacists working in North Central London (NCL) STP. is working with UCLP to support clinical engagement and implementation of TCAM (and PINCER).
Chris Symeon, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist at St George’s Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust, is creating an app to increasing engagement with rehabilitation.
Taher Esfandiari, Clinical Commissioning Pharmacist, Lambeth CCG, is reducing the potential for medication errors in primary care.
Parmjit Jagait, Senior Principal Pharmacist, Royal Brompton Hospital & Harefield Foundation Trust, is involved in the implementation of Transfer of Care Around Medicines (TCAM).
Mairead McErlean, Clinical Pharmacist, is implementing PINCER across five CCGs.
Clare Gallagher, Senior Primary Care Systems Facilitator, North West London Collaboration of Clinical Commissioning Groups, is delivering a Learning Hub (LMS) for North West London.
Saquib Ahmad, Senior Psychotherapist, Grenfell Health & Wellbeing Service, is increasing access to therapy for underrepresented groups.
Robert Sweeney, Business Development, Greenwich Health Limited, is piloting a smoking cessation mobile application.
Shilpi Begum, Project Lead, Test Bed programme, Care City, is providing an integrated health record of patients through Whole System Integrated Care (WSIC) dashboards.
Emily Ward, Senior Pharmacist, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, is implementing a web-based portal to share information securely with community pharmacists.
Arshad Takun, Project/Product Manager, Tower Hamlets GP Care Group, is improving digital access for residents within the borough of Tower Hamlets.
Hannah Heales, Lead Pharmacist, Clinical Informatics, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, is working with clinicians to digitally develop Clinical Practice Groups (CPG) pathways to help drive out unwarranted clinical variation.
Yasmine Korimbux, NEL Commissioning Support Unit Senior Prescribing Advisor, Tower Hamlets CCG, is working on a proactive approach to prioritising medication review.
Damian Larkin, Digital Health Nurse Lead, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, is implementing an interoperable Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (ePMA) system.