Clare Gallagher

Clare Gallagher

Please note this page was last updated in 2019. Visit Clare’s LinkedIn profile for more information.

Clare has worked for the NHS for the past 8 years in a number of different roles, all of which have had an element of training. She is currently the Senior Primary Care Systems Facilitator for the North West London Collaboration of Clinical Commissioning Groups (NWL CCGs), leading the NWL Learning Hub. Prior to working for the NHS Clare worked for an insurance company as an account manager and in a secondary school as an art technician. She has found it interesting to see the difference between the public and private sectors, and to help facilitate the fusion of both.

Read Clare’s blog where she reflects on the value in e-learning for people working in clinical settings and how they can be supported.

Digital Pioneer Fellowship project: Delivering a Learning Hub (LMS) for North West London

Problem: Clare is currently working on the Learning Hub (LMS) for North West London. She has found it interesting to see the difference between the public and private sectors and to help facilitate the fusion of both.

Scale: This programme covers eight CCGs and allows GP practices to ensure their staff have access to Mandatory training (eLFH modules), IT skills Pathway training and Classroom based training booking.

Progress to date: Clare has initially delivered this to West London and Brent CCGs and will expand to the remaining CCGs this year. At the beginning of the Fellowship programme, the North West London Learning HUB Platform had launched and there were approximately 500 learners using it (without much feedback on how or what they were using it for). As of January 2020 there were 1,800 learners on the Training Hub across 5 of the 8 CCGs with two more in the process of changing their providers when their contract finishes. Users are now happy with the platform and they have the added benefit of being able to report on usage to help with future developments both structurally and educationally.

“The Fellowship Programme was essential to my journey over the past year. The Action Learning Set’s support and advice brought home the need to keep projects simple. If I could explain to my group what I was trying to achieve effectively, then I could replicate that message to my target audience. My mentors were invaluable, they were enthusiastic about what I was trying to achieve. Their experience pushed me to think outside the box.

As a result of having participated in the Fellowship, I feel better connected and much more confident in my ability to implement change. The programme has helped me to structure my working methods and I now feel I have the tools to move forward with any project. Were it not for the combination of me taking over the North West London Learning Hub and then being on the Fellowship, I believe the project would have been destined to fail. I believe digital working can help the NHS save on cost, give patients a better experience and more control of their health.

It has been a pleasure working with them team in the Digital Pioneer Programme, they are a wonderful group of committed and professional individuals.” – Clare Gallagher