Felix Vaal
Senior Project Manager for Digital Health
Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust
2020 Bio: Felix has more than six years of IT project management experience within the NHS between Chelsea and Westminster Foundation Trust and Imperial Collage Healthcare Trust. Past projects include; large scale Patient Administration System (PAS) and clinical system implementations, in-house administrative system development, system integration projects and most recently online personal health records and patient facing applications.
Digital Pioneer Fellowship project summary: Mission Control – this project is to apply the success of recent digital innovation pilots from the NHSE Test Bed Project across the Trust’s outpatient service and adapt them in order to meet the challenges now faced from COVID-19. This primarily includes the DrDoctor appointment management platform (DigitalHealth.London Accelerator alumnus) and the Patients Know Best online patient portal and an unconfirmed referral management system. Functionality scope includes direct patient appointment cancellation and rescheduling, video consultations, remote patient monitoring. The goals are to improve Trust oversight of the pathway which is currently obscured between multiple systems, start addressing the referal to treatment (RTT) and appointment backlog issues via increased clinic utilisation.
Estimated number of patients / staff impacted by the project: Roughly 600,000 patients per annum through outpatient services.
Goal(s) for the programme: Shared learning of management tools and project approaches effective in the post COVID-19 NHS IT landscape. Increased self awareness of personal and organisational limitations and bad habits.