DigitalHealth.London featured in two Guardian campaigns
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This week, DigitalHealth.London Programme Director, Jenny Thomas, wrote articles for two Mediaplanet campaigns featured in The Guardian.
The first piece, published in the Supporting the NHS supplement on Monday 14 March 2022, discussed how artificial intelligence will help tackle workforce challenges currently facing the NHS and social care. Based on learnings from our Driving digital report, the article delved into the importance of equipping staff with new models of working, digital knowledge and AI tools, and highlighted digital health companies who are leading the way in this area. Read the article here.
The second article, entitled “Using data to personalise, predict and empower patient care”, also built upon key insights from the report around the potential of data. This includes using patient data to personalise care through innovations such as Cibiltech and giving patients access to their own data. Read the full article here.
You can find out more about the learnings and opportunities identified by reading the Driving digital: Insights and foresights from the health and care ecosystem report now.