
Check out this poster case study with additional information about what Cibiltech achieved during their time on the Accelerator programme.

NHS problem

One in 10 adults will develop Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), a leading global public health issue, costing the NHS £1.5 billion each year. CKD causes gradual loss of kidney function requiring kidney replacement therapy via dialysis or transplantation. Dialysis is costly and has a negative impact on quality of life, kidney transplantation is therefore preferred. Due to low availability of kidney grafts, patients spend approximately years on the transplant waiting list and one in six patients will lose their transplant after five years and return to dialysis. We need to develop ways to improve long-term outcomes for kidney transplanted patients.

The solution

Predigraft, created by Cibiltech, is a web-based software and a medical device CE-marked as a Class IIa under the new regulation (MDR). It embeds the iBox AI-based algorithm that predicts individual long-term kidney allograft survival to ultimately prolong graft lifetime and avoid return to dialysis. It was developed and internationally validated with a database of more than 20,000 patients in 21 centers and with 15 years of follow-up. Predigraft could revolutionize the management of patients through a vast set of adaptable modules and features (consolidated database, secured messaging and alert systems for remote monitoring, personalized therapeutic support programs).


  • Ciblitech’s aim is to improve patients’ quality of life after kidney transplantation by prolonging the survival of the graft, avoiding unnecessary clinical visits and reducing the need for invasive procedures (biopsy) and unscheduled hospitalisations. By detecting individual abnormalities in renal function earlier, the iBox could shorten time to intervention and drive personalized medical treatment, avoiding complications and reducing pressure on emergency hospital services.
  • The clinical and organisational impact of the iBox is enhanced by the development of a personalized alert system: iBox score alerts can drive informed medical decision making. Nephrologists will be able to implement earlier therapeutic interventions due to a rapid, long-term risk assessment.
  •  By reducing the time to detect abnormalities, healthcare professionals could significantly reduce the number of medical interventions in the long term. An NHS study showed that kidney transplants could save £241,000 over 10 years per patient compared to dialysis. The NHS could therefore save an estimated £50.3 million per year in dialysis-associated costs for every year the kidney graft is functional. The goal is to maintain functional kidney grafts for as long as possible, therefore drastically increasing savings already achieved by the NHS.
  • Using the iBox scores as a digital biomarker in clinical trials enables pharmaceutical companies to assess the long-term effect of a new putative drug, therefore saving up to seven years in their development pipeline pathway. The use of the iBox in clinical studies would boost innovation, development and marketing of innovative immunosuppressive drugs in renal transplantation with fewer side effects.