Supporting under-represented voices in digital health tech
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Through-out May and June we supported a number of our SME founders and innovators who identify as being from under-represented groups in digital health tech (BAME, women and people living with disabilities) to amply their voice and share their experiences in the sector.
At the DigitalHealth.London Accelerator, we believe that diversity and inclusion is central to the long-term success of innovation and transformation within the NHS. We are pleased that of the companies we have supported to date, 22 percent are BAME founded/majority founded organisations, 20.7 percent are women majority or equal men-women owned and 1.7 percent are partly or majority owned by a person with a disability. We are committed to supporting this diversity and we are delighted that many of our founders and digital innovators had their content published, including:
Beth Fordham, Operations Director at DigitalHealth.London Accelerator SME White Swan, discussed her thoughts and experience with Women in Tech.
Rajal Patni, Co-founder and CFO of DigitalHealth.London Accelerator alumnus Lavanya Plus shared her experiences as a special guest on the Shuri Network webinar, “Taking a digital innovation idea and making it a reality”. You can watch the webinar here.
Vivek Patni, CEO and the other Co-Founder Lavanya Plus, had his blog published by Diversity in Tech. He discusses diversity in the NHS and wider health and social care sector.
Katerina Spranger is the founder of Accelerator SME Oxford Heartbeat, a company that has been working hard to develop a new medical device software that makes brain aneurysm surgeries safer. In her blog published by We Are Tech Women, Katerina shares the story of Oxford Heartbeat, her thoughts on the challenges she has faced as a female founder and the ways in which the DigitalHealth.London Accelerator programme has supported the company on its journey.