Redefining Women’s Intimate Health with Microbiome-Biotech-led Solutions 

In this case study, P.Happi®, an alumnus company of the Accelerating FemTech programme, shares how their innovative biome-protective products with patent-protected Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus (B.Y.M.® 1405) are set to revolutionise the way we address women’s intimate health concerns. 


P.Happi® is at the forefront of developing innovative biome-protective products using Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus (B.Y.M.® 1405) to address women’s intimate health concerns. 

Bdellovibrio, a naturally occurring, safe bacterium, demonstrates significant potential in helping to establish a physical, protective intimate barrier and supporting natural defences without compromising the urovaginal flora, including Lactobacilli bacteria.

The company’s first product, P.Happi®, utilises Bdellovibrio’s properties to form a physical bio-barrier to help reduce the risks associated with unwanted bacteria entering the urinary tract and intimate area.

Their products are indicated for women at all life stages who have recurrent problems and issues caused by an unbalanced microbiome. The P.Happi® serum also provides support during menopause against intimate dryness and for those who need to feel extra protected during times of hormonal shifts, intimate moments or stressful times.  

I’ve been impressed to see this new UK-based microbiome start-up making such rapid progress…the technology has the potential to contribute to addressing one of the world’s most pressing challenges – Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).

Dr Andrew Morgan 
Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence at the University of Exeter 
Former Chief Scientist of DuPont Nutrition and Health 


P.Happi® was founded by Dr Chiara Board, a scientist with a PhD from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College. Fuelled by her personal struggle and frustration with limited care options and innovation in the space, Chiara recognised the need for change, leveraging her scientific background to develop a new solution aligned with women’s health needs. 

Setting up P.Happi® proved challenging with initial difficulties finding a lab space, securing funding in an underfunded women’s health sector, finding the right partners, and navigating the unconventional nature of the project. The product needed to be developed from scratch including the manufacturing process, and developing IP around the product to file a patent.  

The work involved research to showcase the proof of concept, followed by patent filing, product development, manufacturing setup, team building, fundraising, and conducting studies with women to refine and optimise the solution for the market. 

Support from Accelerating FemTech 

Through the Accelerating FemTech programme, P.Happi® gained valuable insights from in-person sessions covering various aspects such as grant writing, product development, testing, and Go-to-Market (GTM) strategies. Of particular impact was the grant writing session, as the opportunity to secure a fully funded grant through the Biomedical Catalyst (BMC) significantly influenced their business plans. 

Additionally, the team received personalised mentorship, coaching sessions, and accessed excellent networking opportunities within the NHS, Innovate UK network and related events, which unveiled fresh prospects in their field. Today, P.Happi® remains in contact with fellow founders from the programme, benefiting from mutual learning and networking opportunities facilitated by the manageable group size and relevant company mix. 

Overall, Accelerating FemTech has boosted P.Happi®‘s credibility among stakeholders and spurred them to pursue larger grant applications. 


  • Demonstrated efficacy through blind studies involving over 50 pre-and postmenopausal women: 
  • 93% reported that dry intimate skin felt moisturised 
  • 68% felt a heightened sense of protection in the intimate area 
  • 78% observed superior outcomes compared to other health-supportive solutions they tried in the past (like Cranberry, D-Mannose, intimate moisturisers) 
  • 82% would recommend the product to family and friends 
  • Successful implementation of a pharmacy pilot in April 
  • Securing a BMC feasibility grant to conduct more studies, this time in collaboration with the patient group “Live UTI Free” 

I was hoping this product (P.Happi) would help…but didn’t expect it to help so quickly and improve my life so much in just a month! I feel like I am starting to get my life back, which is priceless.

Study Participant

Next Steps 

P.Happi® plans to use the BMC grant funding to: 

  1. Initiate a six-month user study incorporating microbiome analysis with around 60 women. This study will help mitigate technology risks, gather crucial data on women’s health, nurture partnerships with collaborating organisations and validate the project’s technical feasibility.  
  1. Perform market evaluation to mitigate risks associated with the GTM strategy and identify opportunities within the UK market and public healthcare system for commercial viability. 

As P.Happi® has recently started selling in the UK market, they are also keen to expand their current sales channels through strategic partnerships, licensing agreements and distribution arrangements via D2C, B2B and pharmacy sales. In the future, they hope to scale their manufacturing operation and establish their own UK-based bio-manufacturing facility, which will increase the potential for global expansion. 

The company is also looking to diversify product offerings in the women’s health space to encompass a broader range of solutions. They are aiming to utilise technology for alternate applications, potentially involving different regulatory pathways through collaborative development programmes.  

To find out more about P.Happi®, please visit their website. Investors include Active Partners, Mithril, Firstminute Capital, Calm/Storm Ventures, and SOSV. 

Accelerating FemTech helps early-stage companies, university spinouts and academic entrepreneurs focused on women’s health to gain the commercial and funding momentum they need for long-term success. The 10-week programme supports innovators to prepare for a special closed-call funding opportunity through Innovate UK’s Biomedical Catalyst, delivered alongside a collaborative learning programme and facilitated networking with key NHS and health sector stakeholders. 

Accelerating FemTech is delivered by the Health Innovation Network (HIN) South London and its partners. It utilises Innovate UK funding as part of the Biomedical Catalyst, in collaboration with the Medical Research Council. The programme builds upon the experience of running the award-winning DigitalHealth.London Accelerator, Propel and other innovator support programmes from the health innovation networks. The first cohort ran from May 2023, where alumni were awarded more than £1m in funding through the Biomedical Catalyst. The second cohort will run between 2024 and 2025. Register your interest now and learn more about Accelerating FemTech via our website.