Check out this poster case study with additional information about what WYSA achieved during their time on the Accelerator programme.

NHS problem

Mental Health concerns are on the increase with an estimated one in six people experiencing a common mental health concern in the past week. In the UK we are struggling to provide a timely service for the number of people being referred for mental health support. Over a million people are referred for support every year however a quarter of these are discharged without treatment and a further quarter with workbook support.

The solution

WYSA allows users to get access to early mental health support at the very start of their journey. By making clinically underpinned tools available from the point of self referral WYSA can support users to understand more about mental health and how they can support themselves whilst also providing resources to those people who do need additional support whilst they are waiting for assessment and treatment. The AI element helps ensure service users are offered modules and activities that relate to their current need and improves engagement by checking in with them and walking them through the exercises. It also allows a great ability to sign-post and link people into services they maybe didn’t know were available to them locally.


WYSA currently covers over 10 million global users and aim to support the missing middle of mental health, supporting the 800,000+ people who are referred for services and are discharged without onward support – looking to save the NHS millions.