
Check out this poster case study with additional information about what Isla achieved during their time on the Accelerator programme.

NHS problem

Health systems are struggling to manage the increasing demand for services, with high numbers of patients needing to be seen in a hospital setting.

The solution

The Isla visual health record is designed to support patients and clinicians across the widest range of health conditions, from Ophthalmology to Dermatology in the acute setting, through to Tissue Viability and Therapies in the community. Isla was founded in London in 2019 and has been adopted rapidly by the NHS within acute and community settings. The Isla visual record platform makes it possible for patients to securely monitor conditions from home using rich media such as photos, videos and voice notes. This information is collected longitudinally, allowing clinicians to respond proactively as soon as a patient’s condition begins to worsen. Clinicians are able to configure the platform to highlight exactly the information that they need to be aware of, for example being alerted when a photo is submitted which may contain signs of infection.


Isla has been adopted across the NHS, with over 35 different outpatient specialties now supported. Over 15,000 patients in the UK have already made hundreds of thousands of submissions in order to actively monitor and manage their health. Our community Trusts have demonstrated a significant reduction in the number of home visits required, saving between £300,000-£500,000 per annum depending on overall activity, as well as reducing the average time for clinical review by a specialist from over 74 hours to 21 hours.

Our acute partners have delivered a significant increase in capacity through more effective telephone appointments and a reduction in face-to-face activity. Over 80% of patients submit the information that is requested from them in advance, meaning that decisions can be made in a timely way and without additional appointments. An example of the impact of this in practice, is in North West London ICS where Teledermatology was implemented on the Isla platform, reducing average patient waiting time from 13 days to one day.