
Check out this poster case study with additional information about what Convenet achieved during their time on the Accelerator programme.

NHS problem

Clinical services need to be integrated into existing systems to ensure sufficient uptake and ease of use. Digital health companies fine integrating hard; costly and it takes a long time (years). Once integrated with each individual system, of which there are many, these connections must be maintained. This is a huge hurdle for digital health firms, yet it is considered a basic requirement. This is the integration barrier for service providers: it can take years to integrate with GP systems and NHS Spine. This ultimately detracts focus and funding from what they do best: treatment algorithms; AI analysis of clinical documents or providing a solid, reliable pharmacy service etc.

The solution

If integration is an expectation, let’s make it easy so services can focus on what they do best. Convenet is a SaaS integration engine for NHS primary care with simple subscription plans. Convenet is a single API connecting all 7,000 GP practices and NHS Spine, enabling users, including patient-facing services, to view the medical record, order repeat medication, verify NHS Numbers, book appointments and write consultations back to the GP record. Using Convenet’s single API is seven times cheaper and up to 26 times faster than pairing with each GP system and Spine directly. Convenet also saves NHS Digital £15,000 per product that consumes our APIs compared to direct integrations under the GP IT Futures Framework.


So far, more than 6000 unique patients have engaged with the Convenet API to access NHS services through any one of our customers’ apps: from clinical apps; care home eMAR services and pharmacies.