Arron Thind

2020 Bio: Arron is a doctor in his third year of clinical training. He graduated with a degree in medicine from the University of Oxford in 2018. He has a special interest in technology, and has published research in fields ranging from mobile health apps to novel surgical devices and technology to detect cancer biomarkers. Having learned computer programming alongside clinical commitments, he is keen to combine this skill with his experience delivering medical education to digitally transform practical clinical training.
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Watch a video about Arron’s project here.
Digital Pioneer Fellowship project summary:
Problem: Throughout the NHS, there is an accelerated roll out of electronic patient record systems. However, practical medical teaching, such as simulation training and practical medical exams, remain paper-based. Consequently, new doctors graduate with minimal experience using these digital systems in patient care.
Solution: To integrate SimEPR, an educational electronic patient record system, into practical clinical training for medical students.
Estimated number of patients / staff impacted by the project: A pilot study is currently underway for final year medical students at East Surrey Hospital, which offers weekly simulation training for cohorts of three to five students. Once evidence of its benefits can be demonstrated, there will be further work to involve other universities and hospitals across London and the South East, allowing the collection of multi-centre data.
Goal(s) for the programme: The goal for the project is to provide a cost-effective approach to equip our future workforce with the skills to safely and confidently use electronic patient records. In turn, this will optimise patient outcomes by reducing the incidence of electronic system-related clinical errors.