Digital Pioneer: Dr Bahman Nedjat-Shokouhi
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Bahman is a Digital Pioneer for leadership, having been involved in a number of innovation platforms for the NHS over the past few years. He is a specialist Registrar for East and North Hertfortshire NHS Trust.
He originally designed and led the implementation of an intranet-platform for Trusts to help them manage acute medical on-call lists, and he is now involved in setting up a pathway between primary care and specialists in hospital to help manage patients in the community. This has involved the design of a bespoke platform for GPs and specialists across eight clinical commissioning groups, and a population of over 1.7 million patients.
“I took a system-wide approach to this innovation, considering the needs of all stakeholders, including managers and commissioners, clinicians and patients.” explains Bahman, “I engaged clinicians and commissioners to ensure the platform sits within the pathways and answers the needs of as many of the stakeholders as possible.”
Bahman also created a series of end-user stories so users can easily understand the benefits of the innovation for them. What resulted is a platform which remains largely in the background requiring little change in behaviour from one stakeholder to another, allowing for reduced cost and pressure on resources.