SME of the Week: March Roundup

Every week, we put a spotlight on one of the DigitalHealth.London Accelerator or Launchpad companies. Here’s a roundup of this month’s featured SMEs:


About: At Mendelian, rare diseases are our priority. We are accelerating diagnosis time, limiting misdiagnosis and improving the clinical pathway to ensure patients are directed to the right specialist the first time. We understand that the diagnosis is often complex, challenging and costly due to patients showing a cluster of symptom, therefore, at Mendelian, we have been actively designing solutions to overcome this challenge and to help support GPs in identifying patients with rare diseases, earlier. Our technology helps to shortens patients’ diagnostic journey, improving coordination across specialists and redesigned care pathways.

Recent success: 1) We have recently partnered with Modality NHS Partnerships, where we will be supporting primary care diagnosis of rare disease, though Modality’s extensive GP practice network and supporting more than 450,000 patients through 45 GP practices.

2) We have recently partnered with Ipsen Pharmaceuticals, where we will be working together to support faster diagnosis of rare diseases across the NHS.

Ask: Introductions to healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical companies with a specific interest in rare diseases and helping the diagnosis of patients.

Contact: (CEO & Co-Founder), (Head of Operations)

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Solutions 4 Health

About: A CQC regulated company delivering transformative clinical, social care, lifestyle, and technology services to Local Authorities, NHS Integrated Care Systems, and Workplaces to tackle health inequalities and provide wellbeing at scale.

Recent success: Our Wellbeing Suite – innovative and evidence-based artificial intelligence & digital health apps, are being used in many Local Authorities, NHS Integrated Care Systems, and Workplaces to provide effective and scalable holistic early years support, child & adult healthy lifestyle services, long-term condition management & secure video calling services, and smoking cessation services. We’re also providing COVID 19 Lateral Flow testing services in several Local Authorities and Workplaces.

Ask: Introductions to anyone who requires the above services or would like to learn more about how we can help provide evidence-based and effective healthcare services.

Contact: (S4H Director), (NHS Navigator)

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About: Oxehealth is a global leader in vision-based patient monitoring & management. We help clinicians to deliver safer, higher quality & more efficient care. Our Oxevision platform, including a contact-free optical sensor, delivers clinical insights that enable staff to plan patient care & to intervene proactively to help patients across inpatient & residential care settings.

Recent success: Our partner Essex University PT’s deployment of Oxevision has not only Improved patient safety, with 91% of staff agreeing it had improved, and staff reporting they feel supported at night time when caring for patients. 70% of patients felt Oxevision improved their wellbeing on the ward, and 75% felt Oxevision keeps them safer.

Ask: Introductions to CEOs and senior clinicians of Mental Health Trusts who are open to exploring how new technology can help support them to improve safety and quality of care, whilst offering increased operational efficiency. Dissemination of our clinical evidence base via AHSNs and wider healthcare networks.

Contact: (Head Marketing), (Mental Health Team)

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Patients Know Best

About: Patients Know Best (PKB) is Europe’s largest personal health record platform, enabling patients and healthcare professionals to access real-time health information – anytime, anywhere.

Recent success: Patients Know Best is better known as ‘The Care Information Exchange’ in North West London. Here, the platform is enabling patients from all GP Practices across NWL to have access to PKB via the NHS App where it is also enabling the sharing of social care data via an integration with Serverlec’s Mosaic software. This supports patients to have a fuller record available behind the NHS App ‘front door’.

Ask: Please contact Patients Know Best to learn more about how the PKB Personal Health Record platform and NHS App integration can support your organisation.


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The DigitalHealth.London Accelerator is a collaborative programme funded by London’s three Academic Health Science Networks – UCL Partners, Imperial College Health Partners, and the Health Innovation Network, MedCity, CW+ and receives match funding from the European Regional Development Fund.