Photo of Dr Junaid Bajwa

Dr Junaid Bajwa

Merck Sharpe & Dohme

Junaid is a GP, a Clinical Associate on the NHS England New Models of Care Programme, and the Executive Director of Healthcare Services for Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) UK.

Junaid qualified as a GP in 2009 and has since undertaken several roles in the NHS, spanning the provider and commissioning landscape. He has been governing body member in the NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group, leading on Mental Health, IT, and supporting Integrated Care; has worked with the Royal Borough of Greenwich as a Public Health Associate; and had been a council member of the London Clinical Senate. In 2014, he was seconded onto the NHS Leadership Academy Fast Track Executive Programme, where he was appointed as the Redesign Director of a large Integrated Mental Health and Community Foundation Trust.