NHS Innovation Accelerator

Description of the programme

The aim of the NIA is to deliver on the commitment detailed within the Five Year Forward View – creating the conditions and cultural change necessary for proven innovations to be adopted faster and more systematically through the NHS, and to deliver examples into practice for demonstrable patient and population benefit.

A call for applications from prospective NHS Innovation Accelerator Fellows was launched by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, Medical Director NHS England on 7th January 2015. Following a rigorous, multi-stage selection process, the first cohort of 17 Fellows was appointed on the basis of having a set of values and passion for taking a high impact innovation to benefit more people and a wider population, and a willingness to generate system-wide learnings through sharing their experiences of diffusing innovations.

The Fellows will be supported by a learning programme to take their innovations to a larger number of patients at greater pace.

The learning element of the NIA programme has been co–designed with patient networks, Fellows, AHSNs and other partners around an agreed set of principles to ensure it is agile and adaptive, builds from existing national and international infrastructure (rather than reinventing the wheel), is collaborative, and enables the Fellows to test hypotheses around diffusing innovations within the NHS. Technical support for the co-design of the learning programme has been provided by the Innovation Unit

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Areas of health & care management addressed:

1.       Prevention and earlier intervention

2.       Patient safety in hospitals

3.       Empowerment and self-management

4.       Digital health and research


Areas of the Innovation Pathway addressed by case study

Success, Brokering, Adoption, Commercialisation,  Clinical Trials, Finance, Ideas, Culture, Intellectual Property, Markets and Evaluation


Clinical Areas addressed:


Mental health & dementia



Long term conditions


Main contact:

Amanda Begley

Website URL


Twitter handle
