Yasmine Korimbux

Please note this page was last updated in 2019. Contact us for more information.
Yasmine Korimbux is a NEL Commissioning Support Unit Senior Prescribing Advisor working in Tower Hamlets CCG. Yasmine has worked in hospital, community pharmacy, GP practices as both a support Pharmacist and Independent Prescriber conducting CVD and Asthma management clinics, as well her current role.
Digital Pioneer Fellowship project: A proactive approach to prioritising medication review
As part of the work programme in tackling medicines waste, polypharmacy and de-prescribing, Yasmine wants to incorporate an electronic method that will help practices identify those patients in need of a medication review because of their current medicines management.
The CCG doesn’t currently utilise other electronic software such as ECLIPSE or PINCER. This results in a potential quality and safety gap. The CCG does have the tools produced by the Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG) which provide call/recall functions, EMIS searches to identify specific cohorts of patients, dashboards etc however not specifically medicines related safety risks.
The CCG has been using ‘Scriptswitch’ for several years and has now developed a function to identify patients at risk of hospital admissions (RADAR) which incorporates PINCER. This will be a new element for practices to focus and undertake.
The aim is for practices to focus more on the proactive approach to prioritising medication reviews with a wider view to include discharge to community pharmacies, which the STP is currently reviewing.
The method Yasmine is initially using is through the GP improvement scheme, with a proposal to incentivise practices to utilise the system.
The project will cover all 36 practices (330,000 patients) and as of February 2019 is going through the governance process of sign-off by the appropriate management teams and boards.
“I joined the Digital Pioneer Fellowship programme because I felt it would help with my project to implement a medication risk-awareness tool within GP practices. I initially experienced several delays with implementation. However, now over half of the 35 practices targeted have signed up and the remaining are being encouraged to do so. Practices are being asked to use the system and evaluate the usefulness of it also.
The elements of the programme that created the most value for me were the Action Learning sessions, helping me to think through issues objectively and how I might approach them differently. I found the programme insightful and the speakers inspiring. I particularly liked the sessions on identifying strengths, difficult conversations, agile delivery and benefits realisation.
Having been on the Fellowship programme I feel my confidence has grown, and my awareness is broader.” – Yasmine Korimbux