Sarah Fischer

Transformation Manager
South West London ICB
Biography: Passionate about innovative ways to use digital technology to enable more personalised care and join up services, I work for the Universal Care Plan, a programme dedicated to enable personalised care planning that is sharable across the London Region. I lead on engagement around awareness and adoption of the UCP and am learning how to develop our digital tool to support new use cases.
South West London ICL Digital Pioneer Fellowship project summary: The Universal Care Plan is a digital tool that houses and enables the sharing of personalised care plans for Londoners with those Health and Social Care professionals who care for them. The information is collaboratively collated and entered by the HSCP with the citizen and is available 24/7 to services providing direct care. Citizens can view their UCP from the NHS Log In.
Estimated number of patients / staff impacted by the project: 70 000 citizens in London have a UCP; approximately 28 000 UCP accesses by Health and Social Care Professionals on average, each month currently.
Goal(s) for time on the South West London ICL Digital Pioneer Fellowship:
- To develop my skill set, strengths & knowledge base, as a Digital Pioneer.
- To connect with other Pioneers and build my network.
- To undertake mentoring.
- To learn how to manage change better.
- To learn how to better drive engagement with stakeholders to drive adoption.