Rachel Perfect

Macmillan Gynaecology Clinical Nurse Specialist
Chelsea Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Biography: Rachel is the Macmillan Gynaecology Clinical Nurse Specialist at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. Her role involves providing personalised, holistic support for patients undergoing diagnosis, treatment and follow up for Gynaecological cancers.
In addition to this Rachel works closely with the wider Gynaecology Oncology team looking at ways to improve patient experience to ensure they deliver first class care for their patients.
Horizon Fellowship project summary: Rachel’s project is focused on implementing a patient initiated follow up pathway for patients who have been treated for endometrial cancers. This will transform the way they look after survivors of Endometrial cancer after their treatment and will focus on educating patients about symptoms of recurrence and developing a rapid access pathway for any necessary investigations.
In addition to this, the program will focus on meeting any holistic needs that the survivor encounters after their treatment journey. This will allow the team to truly personalise support that is offered to patients and address any long term survivorship issues.
Rachel envisages that with the addition of digital tools, they will modernize their follow up program, allowing them to better meet the holistic needs of the specialist group of patients in a personalized and sustainable way.
Estimated number of patients / staff impacted by the project: Approximately 30 patients per year.
Goal(s) for time on the Horizon Fellowship programme: Rachel’s goal is to have enrolled the first patients on the Patient Initiated Follow Up program by July 2022. She aims to have all elements digital and written elements of the project completed by January 2023.