Omena Agbandje

Omena Agbandje

Regional Revalidation Manager (London)

NHS England and NHS Improvement

2020 Bio: Omena has been working in the NHS for almost 10 years. Primarily with Doctors, where she has worked in medical staffing and medical education, recruiting all grades of doctors in her role at Whittington hospital and King’s college hospital.

She has a vast understanding of the doctors’ journey from the foundation programme – postgraduate medical training. She has supported medical appraisals and revalidation since 2013 until the current date in her current role.

As the regional revalidation manager in the High-Level Responsible Officer (HLRO) office, she has direct communication with all medical directors/ responsible officers in London for over 255 Designated bodies. She is responsible for supporting the revalidation process as part of the criteria for continued medical registration, which gives the assurance to patients that their doctors are fit to practice. She is PRINCE2 Project Management certified.

Digital Pioneer Fellowship project summary: A quality improvement project that uses Word Cloud to collate and analyse 360 multi-source feedback (MSF) reports.

360 MSF reports include a free-text section that asks patients and colleagues to comment on their experience with the doctor. Comments mostly include, but are not limited to, criticism and positive feedback.

The word cloud would identify the most frequent words used in this section across all 360 MSF feedback reports and Omena’s team will compare every doctors’ results.

The first project objective is to identify a correlation between the word cloud results and the protected characteristics of our 147 Responsible Officers. The Equality Act 2010 identifies protected characteristics as: Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation. Omena’s project will only include race and sex as protected characteristics.

The second project objective is to use the word cloud findings to facilitate the reflection culture on feedback which is integral to improving the quality of clinical care, and relationships amongst colleagues providing this care. They aim to make such reflection easier for doctors and to understand how gender and ethnicity affect the feedback given.

Estimated number of patients / staff impacted by the project: All of London’s 147 Responsible Officers. This involves an estimation of doctors in London with prescribed connections of 34850 in the NHS and Independent Sectors.

Goal(s) for the programme: Improve her project management skills and benefit from the change management and business case development to agile delivery and service improvement that is being offered in this programme.