Odin Vision

NHS problem

In the UK, there are 42,000 new cases of colorectal cancer (CRC) and 16,000 deaths per year making it the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the UK.

Endoscopy is used to detect, diagnose, and treat digestive disease such as colon and oesophageal cancer. However, around ¼ of early signs are missed and there is a three-fold variation in cancer care.  In the UK, there are over 42,000 new cases of colorectal cancer (CRC) and 16,000 deaths per year, making it the second leading cause of cancer deaths. The number of CRC related deaths is predicted to increase by 51% over the next 15 years, with increased prevalence in young people. Detecting bowel cancer using colonoscopy can be challenging, as up to 25% of polyps are missed.

The solution

Odin Vision is using cloud and AI medical devices to create a new era of healthcare by supporting doctors to deliver higher-quality care leading to improved patient outcomes, better patient experiences and increased value for healthcare providers. Odin Vision’s aim is to provide state of the Art AI enabled software applications for endoscopic procedures to aid clinicians in the detection and diagnosis of disease.

CADDIE is Odin’s solution for supporting clinicians to detect and characterise colorectal polyps in real-time during colonoscopy procedures. Additionally, it supports AI caecum confirmation and AI bowel preparation scoring better early detection leads to reduced cancer incidence (1% increase in polyp detection leads to a 3% decrease in cancer risk). Optical diagnosis supported by AI polyp characterisation means patients receive results immediately and histopathology may be replaced, improving patient care and giving peace of mind.


Early detection of colorectal polyps during colonoscopy is important to avoid colon cancer, with 54% of cases being preventable and a 90% survival rate if CRC is detected early. CADDIE increases the Adenoma Detection Rate of endoscopists and nurses of all experience levels, providing information to help them in their final decision making. Therefore, having our AI models in place as a second pair of eyes essentially increases detection rates, leading to early treatment and saved lives.