Nazia Ahmad
Please note this page was last updated in 2018. Visit Nazia’s LinkedIn profile for more information.
Nazia Ahmad, Project Lead, Urgent and Emergency Care Collaborative, Healthy London Partnership
Digital Pioneer Fellowship project: Using digital for work planning and self-care
This project is about exploring the use of digital for work planning and to support self-care. Currently, therapies have multiple systems (EPR & Healthroster) alongside local operational standards e.g. staffing/leave rules/caseload management but no single accurate dashboard/daily temperature check to determine a daily demand and capacity.
My name is Nazia Ahmad. I’m an enthusiastic occupational therapist, currently working in a non-clinical improvement regional role. Clinically, I worked within neurology and Neurosurgery, specialising in neuro-oncology. I am a Darzi Alumna with a steady commitment to working across systems. I am passionate about reducing health inequalities and am very keen to explore wider social determinants of health. I have previously completed a Master’s in Clinical Research from St. George’s, University of London funded by the NIHR. I am keenly interested in leadership and am a firm believer in building leadership and QI capacity within our workforce. I view digital health as an enabler and a tool for empowerment for both staff and patients.
“Digital transformation is critical to improve access and equity for health and social care services and underpins sustainability.”