NHS problem
1 in 3 doctors have complained of burn out due to their work, this has led to 1 in 2 junior doctors considering leaving their profession. MediTask wants to help prevent this serious problem by giving a much needed lifeline to clinicians. Doctors spend a significant amount of time doing jobs that would be more sorted to other members of the multidisciplinary team. This has led to dissatisfied workforce which extends into undergraduate, where medical students have to spend extended amounts of time searching for clinical skills to do.
The solution
MediTask improves communication between clinicians and students to optimise workflow distribution and medical education. Our mission to ensure the right people do the right job at the right time. Utilising the mobile application’s platform, MediTask connects clinicians to allow for the delegation and management of tasks.
This integrates with our digital logbook so that skills performed can be quickly validated and stored within MediTask.
We save clinicians time and reduce the risk of burnout. We save students time and improve satisfaction scores. We digitalise the universities assessment so they can intervene earlier for struggling students and reduce resources on assessment.
We are delivering the NHS Forward View who recognise utilising all of the workforce is a “critical component” of the workforce implementation plan. In particular, we are harnessing the “rapid development of technology” to help deliver this on the MediTask application.
We want to reduce time spent waiting around by medical students so they have more opportunities doing meaningful and rewarding learning opportunities. We want to improve student satisfaction scores by improving the undergraduate experience for students. Furthermore, providing a digital logbook will mean students will have easy access to what they have and have not done. This will be available for medical schools to see and improve assessment processes. I want to ensure medical schools can see students who may be falling behind and intervene earlier to give support they may need.
We want to improve delegation of skills so that doctors spend less time doing skills that may be better suited for other members of the MDT. This will free up their time to spend with patients and ultimately deliver exceptional patient care.