Lifelight (Xim)

NHS problem

The British Heart Foundation suggest that as many as 5 million adults in the UK alone could be living with undiagnosed high blood pressure (hypertension). With only approximately 30% of diagnosed hypertensives self-monitoring their blood pressure at home, Lifelight wants to change this picture – finding the “unreached” – those with undiagnosed hypertension and make it easy for everyone to check their blood pressure.

Lifelight removes the friction of blood pressure checking.

The solution

Lifelight is a game changing, contactless technology, that allows a mobile device to estimate blood pressure and pulse, by simply looking into the device’s built-in camera for 40 seconds. Lifelight empowers remote patient checking allowing scale, driving efficiencies and improved health outcomes.


Today Lifelight is detecting patients at risk of CVD early, via self-service kiosks in Health Hubs. Offering patients the opportunity to check their blood pressure and if necessary access to the right care pathway. The platform:

  • Enhances flow, saving two minutes from every observation compared with traditional cuff
  • Improves patient experience, for example helping to reduce “white coat” syndrome which affects 15-30% of the population and costs £10.5M per year
  • Enables faster triage: patients arriving in urgent care centres can self-check-in with Lifelight integrated into remote consultation services
  • Enables remote triage, which can for example reduce out of hours call outs to care homes
  • Estimated savings in primary care alone of £42,000 per practice per annum (£332M NHS wide), according to an independent SBRI health economist report