Judith Murray

Judith Murray

Chief Nurse Information Officer

Nursing/Digital Department at Kingston Hospital Foundation Trust

Biography: Judith started her nursing career within Sexual Health, a niche but important speciality serving a diverse patient cohort who receives the best care when numerous services work together around one individual. As Lead Nurse she was proud to support the implementation of an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system which best benefitted staff and patients when we successfully collected, utilised and appropriately shared information/data. In Judith’s current role as the first Chief Nurse Information Officer in Kingston Hospital Foundation Trust (KHFT), she is focused on maximising the efficacy of the Trust’s EPR systems (and the data within them). She is keen to reduce the perceived and real digital burden on staff to increase their time to focus on care, ultimately enhancing patient experience and outcomes.

South West London ICL Digital Pioneer Fellowship project summary: Writing, launching, and embedding a digital strategy across KHFT and Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust (HRCH) Better Together Partnership. The previous strategy has run its course and the resultant environment is disrupted with altered requirements. The new strategy will acknowledge the varied needs of external partners while supporting the Trusts’ internal requirements by specifically progressing the historic information management and technology role into a digital ethos able to provide the best outcomes for staff and patients. The new strategy is currently in draft form and the project will give a robust clinical voice during finalisation, becoming the key to its launch and acceptance throughout the partnership and wider landscape.

Estimated number of patients / staff impacted by the project: Patients: All patients interacting with both Trusts – unsure of exact numbers at present as the partnership evolves. Staff: All staff interacting with both Trusts – unsure of exact numbers at present as the partnership evolves.

Goal(s) for time on the South West London ICL Digital Pioneer Fellowship: Judith aims to improve both her networking and that of the wider digital KHFT and HRCH teams with local, regional and national networks. There are significant changes within digital spaces, so she is keen to engage, share and learn (both successes and failures) from digital professionals to further her Trust’s digital offer for the benefit of staff and patients.