Joshua Allison

Joshua Allison

Please note this page was last updated in 2018. Contact us for more information.

Joshua Allison, Digital Innovation Lead, North West London Chief of Staff, Office of the Medical Director, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust

Digital Pioneer Fellowship project: Innovation Hub for QI

Delivering an Innovation Hub app for staff to submit good ideas as part of quality improvement (QI).

Joshua Allison is a doctor who moved into healthcare transformation as a means to improve the working lives for all staff in the NHS. With a track record for leading innovative clinical and operational improvement programmes he combines a practical understanding of the healthcare environment with experience in change management. Driven by his colleagues, he strives to bridge the gap between clinical and managerial staff to tackle the inefficiencies hampering effective clinical working. He maintains current clinical experience in Emergency Medicine and spends his spare time in one wilderness or another practicing Expedition Medicine.

“Digital transformation is critical, because quite simply, without a digital revolution the NHS will not survive in a modern age.”