Jessica Williams

Jessica Williams Horizon Fellow

Operating Department Practitioner (ODP)

Chelsea Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Biography: Jessica is a Senior ODP at the Chelsea site of Chelsea Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and has worked there for almost two and a half years. Her role is primarily anaesthetics and varies from day to day – some days she is getting a patient ready for a c-section on the labour ward, and other days she is caring for an Intensive Therapy Unit patient in the burns theatre. The anaesthetic role is very varied and can take her anywhere in the hospital, which is what she enjoys most about it.

Read Jessica’s blog about her journey on the Horizon Fellowship programme and how her project has developed.

Horizon Fellowship project summary: Jessica’s project aim is to have ODPs permanently on the resuscitation team. Having undertaken a questionnaire of the anaesthetists, they identified a need to have more anaesthetic assistance during emergency calls. This would also allow for greater professional development for ODPs in the form of advanced life support courses, transfer courses and trauma courses. She hopes to progress the role of the ODP within the department, as well as providing a safer experience to service users.

Estimated number of patients / staff impacted by the project: 30 ODP staff as well as the anaesthetic doctors who rotate through the hospital.

Goal(s) for time on the Horizon Fellowship programme: Jessica’s main goal is to gain knowledge and insight into quality improvement project management, hopefully allowing her to develop the current project in a meaningful way, as well as complete more projects in the future.