Hasan Rabbani

Please note this page was last updated in 2018. Visit Hasan’s LinkedIn profile for more information.
Hasan Rabbani, Phlebotomy Manager & QI Officer, Whittington Health NHS Trust
Digital Pioneer Fellowship Project: Using digital to improve CQC care rating
As a Global Digital Examplar ‘fast follower’, the project aims to be able to improve the CQC rating and explore what can be done digitally for the hospital to help achieve this (particularly focussed on the caring aspect).
Hasan joined Whittington Health NHS Trust as a department manager in 2016. He completed his MSc in International Public Health, following which he was involved with an interdisciplinary global health research group, exploring various public health concerns in the Sri Lankan public health arena. Hasan’s research focused on maternal and child health, in particular maternal mental health in rural populations. Hasan first joined the NHS in 2009, and has worked in both clinical and administrative roles, garnering experiences that intersect frontline and managerial functions. Hasan is currently involved in a Global Digital Exemplar Fast Follower at Whittington Health NHS.
“Digital transformation is critical, because it provides solutions to the fragmentation in modern day patient services and enable better co-ordinated and more continuous care for patients. To truly achieve this mission, patients and staff need to be able to securely access the relevant information they need when required. Thus improving patient and staff experience, whilst also improving patient safety, quality of care and optimising operational efficiency.”