NHS problem
Over 81,000 people have hip operations, over 93,000 people have knee replacements, over 613,000 women have babies every year and currently obesity rates in the UK are higher in men. 68% of men are obese or overweight, compared to 60% of women. Moreover, 29% of men and 27% of women are considered obese.
Fita provides exercise, fitness and nutritional support to all of the above, increasing fitness levels and reducing obesity levels and cost to the NHS.
The solution
People can recover faster, improve their quality of life and save the NHS money post orthopaedic surgery with exercises, workouts and guidance from physiotherapists who can give support 24/7.
What Airbnb have done for house owners and visitors at fitarr we are doing the same for personal trainers and health professionals. A market place where physiotherapists can create workout content and have their own channel services to give advice and guidance direct to patients.
In addition supporting people who are obese and want to lose weight and improve their health, reducing body fat and increasing fitness levels.
Support to 174,000+ patients post knee and hip surgery per year, with exercise and workout support. This could save some 300,000+ physio appointments per year, improve patient recovery and save the NHS over £24 million per year. Using Fitarr in other areas of the NHS, patients could recover quicker and require further reduction in one to one appointments making more major savings.