Else Krajenbrink
Head of Transformation
Strategy and Transformation at South West London Integrated Care Board
Biography: Else Krajenbrink currently works as the Head of Transformation for virtual wards within the South West London Integrated Care Board (SWL ICB), overseeing the development and embedding of the virtual ward programme across South West London. Originally trained as a physiotherapist, she now works on transforming healthcare services across SWL using her previous experience in community transformation, supporting systems to develop urgent Community Response services and enhance End-of-Life Care for the SWL population.
South West London ICL Digital Pioneer Fellowship project summary: Embedding and scale up of virtual ward services across SWL, including scaling up the use of technology for patients on the virtual ward. This would include optimising service delivery, increasing patients using technology to support their stay on a virtual ward and increasing staff understanding of virtual wards.
Estimated number of patients / staff impacted by the project: Patients: 15,000 to 20,000 for this financial year. Staff: 60.
Goal(s) for time on the South West London ICL Digital Pioneer Fellowship: Else aims to increase her knowledge and awareness of technology in healthcare, gain more in-depth knowledge of programmes across SWL and share experiences with others working in the tech and health sphere.