Christina Santana-Smith

Business, Strategy and Transformation Manager
Central and Northwest London Foundation Trust
2020 Bio: The role of the Business and Transformation Team is to ensure the implementation and delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) within Central and North West London Foundation Trust (CNWL). Christina’s portfolio includes strategic initiatives and digitally-enabled care, making her the lead on all related transformation projects within the Jameson division. This can involve designing new digital programs from the ground-up, procuring an existing technology/vendor, or scaling-up an existing digital pilot for wider applications. Her role involves identifying digital solutions to problems, strategic planning for the transformation, managing the change within the organisation, and project-managing to ensure implementation and delivery.
Read a case study on Christina’s project.
Digital Pioneer Fellowship project summary: CNWL is seeking to improve the safety and experience of both patients and staff, and reduce the number of safety incidents on inpatient mental health wards. The Oxehealth Digital Care Assistant (DCA) is a technology that allows for non-contact monitoring of patients to support staff in caring for those patients. Using an optical sensor and infrared technology, Oxehealth allows for remote non-contact monitoring of patients’ vital signs and activity, including providing alerts for when a patient is out of bed, multiple patients are in a room, a patient has spent a potentially unsafe amount of time in a blind-spot or dangerous area of the room, or if a room is occupied but no human activity can be detected. This allows for staff to safely monitor patients without disturbing them as clinically appropriate, and to more effectively identify and respond to potential safety concerns. The effective use of staff time will also release clinical time for more meaningful and therapeutic interactions with patients. The Oxehealth DCA was selected as a contact-free technology which is technically validated as a Class II(a) medical device, has been real-world validated in mental health wards, and referenced as outstanding practice by CQC.
Estimated number of patients / staff impacted by the project: The scope of this first phase of the project includes all single-occupancy bedrooms in the Older Adults and Psychiatric Intensive Case Unit (PICU) wards across the Trust, as well as seclusion rooms and Health Based Places of Safety (HBPoS), totalling 180 rooms across six clinical sites.
Goal(s) for the programme: Utilise the networking and mentoring opportunities provided by the fellowship to help better understand and leverage the digital health landscape within London and the South East, to more effectively drive digital transformation within the organisation.