btrU Health

NHS Problem

We are tackling a long-standing challenge in the NHS: the inefficiency of searching for information in clinical guidelines. Doctors spend 12-15 hours a week searching through these guidelines, costing up to £16,974 per doctor annually. While doctors read guidelines when necessary, many tell us they spend excessive time trying to find them. Guidelines are scattered across platforms, lengthy to read, and constantly evolving. As a result, doctors and allied health professionals often rely on their clinical intuition rather than up-to-date governance and protocols when managing patients, which increases the risk of compromising patient safety. 

The Solution

We have built a semantic deep tech clinical decision support tool. Information from our retrieval is personalised, referenced and backed by our curated “walled garden” of local, national and international guidelines that doctors commonly use. This helps us to improve patient outcomes through increased standardisation of care, save doctors time and reduce clinical negligence. 


We aim to improve patient outcomes, reduce the risk of clinical negligence, and save valuable time for doctors and allied health professionals. 

Currently in the beta phase, our trials involve medical students from over 10 UK medical schools and doctors from more than 20 NHS trusts nationwide. Early data shows that our platform encourages greater use of clinical guidelines, helping to identify gaps and weaknesses in existing protocols. This insight informs governance leaders, highlighting areas that need improvement to enhance guideline clarity and effectiveness. 

By increasing transparency in guideline usage across NHS trusts, we aim to contribute to more consistent clinical practice. Our approach aligns with key NHS initiatives such as the Get It Right First Time (GIRFT) program, the NHS Long Term Plan, and ongoing NHS reform objectives following the Lord Darzi 2024 report.