
Check out this poster case study with additional information about what babblevoice achieved during their time on the Accelerator programme.

NHS problem

Primary care practices and their patients face significant challenges, such as high-demand and long wait times, that can be addressed with modern technology. At the same time, surgeries are hamstrung with legacy technology, onerous contracts and limited functionality such as a restricted number of phone lines.

The new five-year framework for GP contract reform states that the best way of digitizing primary care is to digitise existing practices.

The solution

Babblevoice digitises existing practices by allowing surgeries to offer the eight digital improvements (5.10) that are backed by agreed contract changes. Babblevoice is a purpose built and award winning telephony system designed to support practice patients and staff by offering surgery specific functionality, integration with clinical software and a robust and distributed design. Babblevoice measurably improves patient access and satisfaction, dramatically reduces costs and automates routine and administrative functions. Babblevoice is a Crown Commercial Service supplier, included on the G-Cloud 13 framework.


  • 50% reduction in DNAs
  • 25% reduction in reception staffing levels
  • Improved patient satisfaction
  • 100% reduction in customer complaints regarding the phone system
  • One minute saved per telephone consultation

Source: Sunderland CCG study, 2018