Alice Linell

Data Lead
Biography: As Data Lead at Superhighways, Alice specialises in supporting charities and community groups use data to be more effective, raise their profile, demonstrate their impact and influence change. The Data team at Superhighways offers training, advice and consultancy across a broad range of topics from accessing, collating, analysing, interpreting & presenting data to choosing and working with data tools and systems. A key focus is identifying affordable, accessible solutions and providing friendly, collaborative, inclusive learning spaces where there is no such thing as a stupid question. Superhighways also leads on the Datawise London partnership programme exploring how to achieve systemic change around data in the sector and are currently building and road-testing several data tool prototypes. Alice has extensive experience from both the corporate and charity sectors, most recently as the Data Manager for the Refugee Services, Restoring Family Links & Family Reunion service at the British Red Cross.
South West London ICL Digital Pioneer Fellowship project summary: Partners across the SWL Integrated Care System have expressed a need for better data about the the voluntary and community sector and services they deliver because current data is siloed, fragmented and inconsistent. There is a real call for it to be rationalised and collated at borough, place and the SW London six borough level. The project aim is to map current systems and data flows, identify data stakeholders and use cases e.g. gap analyses or referral mechanisms from specific services, and explore options for better joining up, standardising and utilising open data sets to build a dynamic and evolving data set which can be easily accessed and interrogated via interactive tools.
Goal(s) for time on the South West London ICL Digital Pioneer Fellowship: My goals, beyond the core project goal, include professional development, building new relationships, having a greater range of perspectives, identifying a greater number of use cases related to the project, building new skills, and learning from programme leads, peers and mentors.