
The NHS Problem:

Long-term conditions such as diabetes and heart failure are responsible for 70% of total NHS spending. Patients with long-term conditions or who use high-risk medicines to treat them must be monitored to detect early signs of harm, as such changes can cause death or disability if not promptly managed. 2.9 million people have 3 or more conditions in the UK currently requiring 5.5 hours every month for monitoring.

The potential for improvement is vast: reducing repeated healthcare contact, representing lost time, inconvenience, patient dissatisfaction and potential impact on the economy as well as reduce carbon footprint of wasted appointments.


We develop software to deliver Population Health scale interventions individualized to patients by continuously scanning the entire health records to detect deterioration, early onset of new disease and opportunities for preventative interventions.

Our NHS Digital approved, UKCA/CE mark software as a medical device integrates with existing electronic healthcare record systems, extracting data, processing against clinical guidelines, and delivering an intuitive output to clinicians and administrators targeting elimination of unnecessary duplication of workload and increasing effectiveness of care for patient safety.

Already covering more 2 million patients with a footprint of over 200 GP Practices, the product could save up to 30 million routine monitoring appointments across the UK each year whilst improving patient outcomes.


Estimated total NHS cost-savings across saved appointments, emergency hospital admissions, testing and staffing costs total £337 million annually or £5.11/person 

Real-world pilot data demonstrate (30,000 patient practice): 

Patients overdue routine monitoring for medications dropped from a 5 year rolling average of 40% down to 18% with introduction of the Abtrace tool over a 9 month period. 

This meant that 889 patients had their overdue monitoring status resolved whilst freeing up 72 hours of clinician time per week by automating tasks. 

Benefits to patients… 

  • Improved health- reducing death, disability and hospital admissions resulting from delayed/missed prevention 
  • Reducing health inequalities- automating processes rather than relying upon patients’ initiative to seek care