The Mayor of London’s Civic Innovation Challenge – Technology for a better London

The Mayor of London’s Civic Innovation Challenge is an initiative that matches startups and SMEs with leading corporates and public organisations to solve some of city’s biggest challenges.
The Mayor is searching for innovative solutions to reduce inequality, prevent climate change and support London’s ageing population. Startups and SMEs on the challenge will work together with corporates and public organisations to develop and test their solutions, while receiving business support and mentoring from Bethnal Green Ventures. This is a valuable opportunity for startups and SMEs to validate their solutions directly with potential customers and partners.
●   The Mayor of London Civic Innovation Challenge is the Mayor’s flagship innovation programme which launced on 11th June during London Tech Week
●   There are seven different challenges under the strategic areas of climate change, inequality and ageing.
●    Each challenge has been developed together with a challenge partner.  Challenge partners are leading public organisations or corporates looking to collaborate with startups to solve particular challenges in
There are seven Civic Innovation Challenges to solve, targeted at reducing inequality, tackling climate change and supporting London’s ageing population:
1. Dementia Services
2. Active Travel
3, Electric Vehicles
4. Delivering Affordable Homes
5. Financial Inclusion and Digital Skills
6. Loneliness and Isolation
7. Physical Activity
Applications open 11th June and close Sunday 8th July at 23:59 BST.
Companies can find out more at: